
Engrafia allows you to create custom pages, like, home,404, or other pages, with a clean layout, and also allows you to customize your docs layout too, you can do that by editing the theme, creating your own theme, and changing the logo.

Creating a custom page

To create a custom page, it's necessary that the new page be created in pages directory, not in docs, pages located in docs will be displayed as a doc page with the layout of the doc.

Custom pages can be created by using md, and mdx, or javascript files.

Javascript example

In this example we are using Javascript, you can also use Typescript.

//exports the page metadata
export const getStaticProps = async () => {
return {
props: {
meta: {
title: 'My custom page',
description: 'This is a custom page example',
tags: 'docs, documentation, nextjs',
//exports the page content
export default function MyCustomPage() {
return <> page content</>;

MD, MDX example

This example, show us hot to use MD, and MDX files. MDX, and MD files have some differences, you can read about them in MD and MDX

title: 'My custom page'
description: 'This is a custom page example'
position: 4
# MD e MDX
Engrafia uses `md`, and `mdx`...
## my page content

Changing theme

Engrafia UI uses Next UI to create the user interfaces, so, it's important to know the minimum about it to customize your website.

Creating a new theme

By default Engrafia UI exports two themes, a darkTheme, and a lightTheme, those themes are used by default in Engrafia, but you can customize these themes, or create your theme, following this example, below:

import { createTheme, NextUIProvider, Text } from '@nextui-org/react';
// 2. Call `createTheme` and pass your custom values
export const darkTheme = createTheme({
type: 'dark', // it could be "light" or "dark"
theme: {
colors: {
// brand colors
primaryLight: '$green200',
primaryLightHover: '$green300',
primaryLightActive: '$green400',
primaryLightContrast: '$green600',
primary: '#4ADE7B',
primaryBorder: '$green500',
primaryBorderHover: '$green600',
primarySolidHover: '$green700',
primarySolidContrast: '$white',
primaryShadow: '$green500',
'linear-gradient(112deg, $blue100 -25%, $pink500 -10%, $purple500 80%)',
link: '#5E1DAD',
// you can also create your own color
myColor: '#ff4ecd',
// ... more colors
space: {},
fonts: {},

Applying the theme

To apply a new theme you should open the _app.js file, and import the theme that you have created.

import { AppProps } from 'next/app';
import { NextUIProvider } from '@nextui-org/react';
import { ThemeProvider } from 'next-themes';
import { Provider, lightTheme } from 'engrafia';
import { darkTheme } from 'your-theme.js';
function App({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
return (
light: lightTheme,
dark: darkTheme,
<Component {...pageProps} />
export default App;

Changing basic information

To change basic information it's necessary to edit the theme.config.js, and check the properties you want to change.


Represents the title of the website, and accepts a string.


Represents the description of the website, and accepts a string.


Represents the root of the content of the docs, every file inside there will be rendered with docs layout, accepts a string.


This property can be ignored if your website does not have a git repository, or you don't want to expose a button to edit the content.

  • branch
  • url
  • author
  • logo - it accepts an SVG code or a source of an image.
  • textLogo - it accepts a string and will be displayed next to the logo image.
  • links - is an object with title, url, and options property external, witch means that this is an external link, and should be opened in a new tab.
  • search_bar: accepts a string, which can be a label value, or a key value, in case of the website uses internationalization.
  • text - it will be displayed next to the logo, or textLogo, it accepts a string.
  • logo - it accepts an SVG code or a source of an image.
  • textLogo - it accepts a string and will be displayed next to the logo image.

This property accepts a function that has an object as a parameter, that contains the title, and the metadata of the site. The head property should return a jsx value with the meta tags that you want to use in your website, for example:

head: ({ title, meta }) => (
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
{meta.description && (
<meta name="description" content={meta.description} />

Meta tags is better covered in SEO